Improving at a crawl

She's working on her crawling skills - or wriggling, to be more accurate. Tonight Abba put her down on her stomach at the foot of our bed, and sat facing her at the head, holding the sunflower. She started to propel herself forward, as she often does when placed that way.
Her arms still aren't strong enough to hold her upper body up for long, so most of the propulsion comes from her legs. She pushes herself forward by her legs, overcoming the resistance of her upper body, which remains down on the bed. Sometimes she'll wriggle for a while before managing to inch forward, then she might get it together and suddenly make more progress. Often she'll end up rotated a bit; she can't always control her direction well.
But, with increasing effort, she eventually made her way across the bed almost to her father, who took mercy on her exhausted self and gave her a big hug. It was her best crawl so far!
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