Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"Bow in hair see in mirror! Ivor hold Hannah Geitel see hair bow in mirror"

HG remains a big chatterbox and her sentences just keep getting longer and more complex, she amazes Abba and Ima every day coming out with things that no one can remember teaching her... Posted by Picasa

She was as usual chuffed to have Uncle Ivor visiting, they make quite a pair. She loves raiding Ivor's pocket and "reading" through his appointments diary, pointing out the number and "spelling" out words - she knows the alphabet but can't quite work out how to put it all together.

This particular evening she spied a ribbon left over from the Sheva Brakhot decorations and asked Ima to tie it in her hair. She then demanded "bow in hair see in mirror! Ivor hold Hannah Geitel see hair box in mirror!" There followed a fun filled hour or so of games in the mirror, rifling through Ivor's pocket and preening in the mirror, admiring her hairbow. As you can see, it looked most fetching with her PJs.


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