Saturday, September 17, 2005

A gnawing problem

She's been a bit cranky this week, at times inconsolable. Over Shabbat, we may have worked out why. She's been drooling more than usual, and she's taken to gnawing hard while feeding (ouch!). She's also been putting her fingers and fist in her mouth - a lot. It finally hit us: She's probably teething.

We know it's early for teething, but apparently it can happen. The actual teeth are presumably still a couple months away.

A new trick for Shabbos: She was on her tummy, holding up her head nicely - she's become quite good at that - when she moved an arm and destabilized herself. Within moments, she had rolled onto her side and over to her back. It's the first time she's flipped from her stomach to her back. By accident, we assume, but that's progress too!

In shul, she paid attention to the siddur and seemed to try to help turn the pages. Later, at home, Abba sat with her to read her soft fabric book together, the one about farm animals. She maintained her interest, again helping with the pages. New surprises every day.


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