A high-flying wedding adventure

HG went to a wedding tonight, her first since she was a newborn. She behaved very well, and had a wonderful time. She was a bit unsettled at first by the crowds of unfamiliar faces, but she quickly settled down and enjoyed herself.
First she watched the band, a country/jazz ensemble with a banjo, tuba, trombone and washboard (really!). The huppa was outdoors in the cold, so she and Abba explored the halls of the building instead, HG walking while holding Abba's fingers. She took the lead, pausing to explore some signs, and eventually ended up in the stairwell. There, she proceeded to climb up 8-10 steps, crawling up them one at a time.
At dinner, as is her custom lately, she would only eat foods she could feed herself. So she had bitesized bits of eggplant and zucchini, along with matbuha, a spice tomato-based relish. Yes, she ate that with her hands, smearing them all over her face and Abba's clean white shirt.
The star attraction was the juggling. The groom is a juggler, and it seems he invited all his associates. One after another they entered the circle, juggling balls and batons and rings and blocks and chairs. HG watched in rapt attention, though on occasion she was distracted by the letters "Mazal Tov" held aloft on poles. (She just loves looking at letters.) Most of the time, she stood on the floor, holding onto Abba's fingers for support.
When the jugglers got to torches and knives, Abba decided it was time to move.
So they returned to the table, where HG practiced standing herself up against chairs and tables, and pushing chairs around the room, and picking up things she shouldn't be putting into her mouth. She's standing better from day to day, but still for no more than a few seconds at a time without support.
When the main course was served, all she needed was some bite-sized chunks of chicken and tender beef, left for her at the edge of the dinner plate. She helped herself to more when she was ready for it. (Or sometimes a bit before...) Once she took a handful of chunks in her right hand, and fed herself from them using her left hand. Most of them successfully made the transition from hand to mouth, but the floor also got its share. She'll have to practice her juggling.
Aside from that, she joined in the dancing, and tried to play with other children, and smiled at friendly guests. She stayed wide awake until we left after 11:00, and then, after a bit of crankiness, she fell sound asleep in the car.