Friday, December 29, 2006

Big swing

HG's ambition has for some time been to be the littlest kid on the biggest swing. For the last few months she has been working on her balance on the big kids' swings and is getting quite good at it now, though she still swings very gently, but it's only a matter of time before she wants to try swinging high like the bigger kids...

he is elated at finally being able to pump her legs just enough to push herself on this big swing. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 24, 2006

A spoon in each hand means HG is feeling better!!!

As you can see HG is finally in the mood for food again, recovering from her tummy bug. She was so excited by the prospect of food that after tasting a little chicken soup and then a little jelly (her first ever), she asked for more of each, alternating a spoonful of one followed by a spoonful of the other. We are pleased to report that this unlikely combination seems to have settled her tummy and she is happy and playful, just a little tired and worn out after her ordeal by tummy bug. Posted by Picasa

Family Hannukah

HG was very excited about Hannukah. She and Ima spent the weeks before learning songs and reading books about the hag and of course playing dreidl - HG loves dreidls!

Ima and Abba light with olive oil, but the old family menorah Uncle Ivor lights only has room for candles, as did the Hannukiot the family guests brought, so there were plenty of coloured candles to play with. HG assigned herself the job of sorting each box by colour, roping in whoever was to hand to help hold all the candles. She really has been into colours lately, and she took the task of colour sorting very seriously.

The first Shabbat Hannukah was a family event, with relatives from Jerusalem, the US and England staying over. HG loved having all the family around her, so many people to play with!

Plus of course, a nice selection of presents, two wonderful toy trains, a book about mammals, chunky baby lego, some Hannukah books and some really cute squirty bath toys. Posted by Picasa

Unfortunately HG came down with a really nasty tummy bug on the Tuesday and spent the rest of Hannukah too ill to do much more than lie on her play mat, sleep, nurse and look at her toys, rather than play with them.

She is feeling much better now and this Shabbat ate some solid food for the first time since Tuesday. She smelled the potato kugel and wolfed down a nice helping. It also stayed down, and this evening she climbed up into her booster seat and asked for chicken soup, which she fed herself, and followed by some jelly. It is so good to see her feeling like herself again!