Sunday, April 16, 2006


HG is taking the upheaval of Pesah in her stride - her parents' sudden decision to move around a whole variety of household items, change all the pots and pans in the kitchen and put foil on the counters did seem to trigger her curiosity and increased HG's attempted incursions into the kitchen (off limits to her), but overall, she didn't think Abba and Ima were acting too strangely.

She was incredibly good at the seder, especially as the clocks changed early this year, so the seder was on summer time and therefore incredibly late. At first she was a little fazed by all the people crowding into the apartment (19 attended the seder - including HG and a 2 day old baby) but she soon adjusted to the unusually large gathering, extra children et al, and began investigating all the new and different going on, such as the seder plates and matza covers - and of course the matza, which she has been very keen to get her hands (or mouth) on, but which Abba and Ima are keeping from her until she has more than 4 teeth!

For most of the seder she sat in her high chair, mostly quiet, sometimes chattering to herself or "singing" along, making it clear that she expected her usual drop of kiddush wine, and apparently delighted at how many cups of wine Abba was drinking. She made it through to just before the fourth cup, by which time even she was more tired than curious and ready to nurse to sleep, which she did sometime during the post-benching hallel.


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