Another busy busy week

HG has been going on more outings this week. She had some nice playdates with some babies of around her age and a little older, including some fun in the park with her friend Elisheva, who is many months older than her and is HG's role model for walking and talking. She loves watching Elisheva and trying to figure out how she manages to walk without holding on.

Ima and an honorary auntie took her for a walk to a local nature area. Unfortunately HG fell asleep on the way there and slept through the entire outing (most unusually for her), missing the glorious spring flowers - but we have a photo to prove to her that she was there!
HG has started developing some stranger anxiety, though not all the time, and not with all people. A couple of weeks ago Ima and Abba took her to a melaveh malka hosted by friends in Jerusalem to celebrate the birth of their son. As the host opened the door, HG took one look at him and screamed, remaining on edge and periodically becoming hysterical all through the visit, every time she saw either the host or another young man who looked a little like him. Both men have a passing resemblance to her Abba - similar build, similar colouring, similar beards. This seems to have been what was upsetting her - men who looked like Abba but weren't, she seemed to find the concept alarming.

Fortunately, she's usually much calmer than that!
On the upside she travelled great in the car - even though of course it was at night and dark. She played, talked to herself, burbling along happily and "singing". She even seemed to enjoy looking at the lights out of the back window.
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