Shavuot princess

Ima actually managed to have HG bathed, brushed and ready in her new yom tov dress in time for some erev Shavuot photos. This was in part due to HG helpfully taking a long, quiet 3.5 hour nap that afternoon, allowing her parents to prepare for yom tov in record time.
HG however took Tikkun Leyl Shavu'ot very seriously. Every year Ima and Abba host an all night learning session in their apartment and HG didn't want to miss any of the shiurim, staying up until 3 am(!!!!!!), spending most of that time playing at the feet of the various shiur givers. Even for HG, staying up from around 17:30 hours until 0300 hours is a record.
On the food front HG tasted her first eggplant parmesan, gefilte fish and smoked cheese quiche - and liked them all. This girl certainly likes dairy, even though chicken remains her all time favourite.

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