Sitting Pretty
HG loves climbing onto "grown-up" chairs and sitting up high like everyone else. She also loves wearing hats, indoors or outdoors, rain or shine, she loves them. Here she is sitting pretty in her favourite red beret and her favourite stripey tights which have been worn and washed so often that they are starting to come apart...
One of HG's current projects is learning the Mah Nishtanah for Pesah. It started as a joke between Ima and Abba that HG would have to say it this year, but with HG's apptitude for copying anything and everything she hears, Abba and Ima soon realised that HG was actually memorising the Mah Nishtanah. So far she has the first line down pat, and will say it to whomever will listen "Mah nishnatanah halayla haZEH mikol haLEYLOT!"
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