An outing to Ikea

We had a lovely day today. Jason took a day off work and we took HG for a major outing today - IKEA! We saw they had reasonably priced solid wood cots in their catalogue, so we decided to take a look. See the lovely outfit she wore!
She was good as gold, looking at everything, smiling at all the people who stopped to coo at her. The trip was made easier by the fact that Ima has managed to pump some milk , so we took along a couple of bottles in a cooler. We could feed her as we shopped, rather than looking for somewhere to breastfeed all the time. She has taken to the bottle quite well, and Ima has taken to the pump quite well, so outings are now easier, providing we've had time to sterilise bottles etc.
When we got home HG nursed for quite some time, interspersed with a lot of big smiles and gurgles and a lot of baby chatter. True, she seems to make random sounds, mixed with screeches and cooes, but her eyes are so intent and expressive as she talks that I'm sure she was trying to tell me all about her exciting trip to IKEA.
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