Reading voraciously
HG has always been interested in books. From the time we got her home, she would turn her head towards the bookshelves in any room. She was attracted, we presumed, by the colorful bindings and the shiny print. She would - and still will - study a bookshelf, staring intently at all the books. Fortunately, that means we have plenty with which to occupy her!

Lately we find she's also interested in text in general. She will reach for a newspaper and hold it as if she's trying to read it. She will focus on the writing on her outfit, or on Ima's T-shirt. Friday night as we got to bed, we read to her from a collection of English poetry, and then from the collected works of Chaim Nachman Bialik (in Hebrew). She wasn't just mesmerized by the rhythmic sound; she stared quietly at the pages of the books we held in front of her, as if she was trying to follow along.

Tonight, Abba was preparing to lead services for Rosh Hashana, and held HG on his lap as he practiced the prayers. She reached out to help hold the book, and would at times try to turn the pages. (Usually at the wrong times!) Yes. that's the Rinat Yisrael Machzor in the photo.
We're not sure what she thinks a book is, or what she thinks print is good for. But we're glad she's learning to enjoy them, even if not in the intended way.
If we could only keep her from drooling on them and putting them in her mouth... now that's a voracious reader!
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