She sat up!

A milestone: This morning, HG sat up by herself.
We're not quite sure how she did it, since Ima was looking away at the time. But one minute she was playing in a crawling position, the next she was sitting upright. She stayed that way for a good ten minutes, using her free hands to play with her toys.
Kol hakavod,Hannah Geitel!

On the verbal front, she just loves blowing raspberries - it's become her "joke" and she expects it to draw laughter. She tried it on all our Shabbat guests. In general, she seems to be experimenting with the sounds she can make with her lips, gums and tongue: th, zh, dh (anything that doesn't require teeth). She's also started sucking on her lower lip with her upper gum (see picture) - we assume this is related to teething.
She's become much more confident about standing (while holding onto something, of course). She maintains her position for long periods of time, and adjusts her balance as necessary. Today, while holding Ima's fingers, she easily took several steps across the floor.

She's finally managed to activate the "kick and play" pad by hitting it with her hand. Sometimes she also tries to work out what to do with the switch behind it, but so far without luck.

A few weeks ago, we got her some Fisher Price stacking rings. At first, she reached for the top ring, but couldn't take it off, so she just knocked the stack over to get to the rings. She's been learning how to handle them, though. Now she can remove the top three rings one at a time (sometimes she takes two together) without tipping the stack. She's not ready to stack them back together yet, though.
In a store the other day, she noticed another baby, a year or so old. They smiled at each other and clearly wanted to play. They reached out to touch each other's faces and gave each other hugs. Awww...

To close, a picture of her in her high chair, about to knock the Coke bottle onto the floor. Yes, it's a bit big on her, but she likes sitting in it (for a while, at least).
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