A more upright individual

HG is busy learning to be a more upright individual. She's sitting straighter than before, no longer needing to support herself with her hands constantly. Her back is strong enough and she's balancing well enough that she can free one or more hand to play with while sitting (as with the empty juice container here). Sometimes she manages to sit for five minutes or more at a time. She's still at constant risk of tipping over, though. Keep working at it, kid!

She's also standing better. She can now stand while supporting herself on the arches of her playmat, as shown here. (Abba is behind her in case she slips, but he isn't supporting her.) While standing like that, she takes little steps to reposition herself, and sometimes she is confident (or foolhardy?) enough to release one hand to play with. She's not quite strong enough to support herself with just one hand for long, though. Worse, the arches aren't strong enough to support her weight if she shifts the wrong way. Good thing Abba's behind her! (And a good thing she can't raise herself to a sitting or standing position unaided!)

We've already mentioned her animal noise gadget. Here's a picture - she's been enjoying it greatly this week. She just presses one button after another to hear the sounds.
In general, her hand motions are more delicate now. Instead of just grabbing, she will reach carefully and precisely to take someone's glasses!
Have we mentioned that she wipes her mouth? She's been doing for a long time, so we might have forgotten. When her mouth is wet she'll wipe it with a cloth or her clothing. She doesn't like being a mess!
She doesn't do this, though. Must have been a fluke. Sure looked real at the time, though.

After a three-week visit, she finally had to say goodbye to her great-uncle Ivor. She's looking forward to seeing him again in a couple of months.
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