A busy weekend

It's been a busy weekend. On Friday we went into Jerusalem to celebrate the birth of a new daughter to some friends. We dressed HG in her sun hat and took her along. As long as we were there, we went into town for some window shopping. We didn't buy any windows, but HG enjoyed the sights and behaved very well, charming all the passersby as usual.
After some early weeks disliking water, she has lately taken to enjoying her baths. On Friday, she played with an inflatable frog book/toy, chasing after it when it floated away. She actually started screaming when we took her out of the bath - she was having too much fun and wanted to stay!
She did the cutest thing the other day. As she was resting on Abba's chest in bed, she wriggled off of his chest and lay down alongside him. Then she laid her head next to his on the pillow, looking straight into his face and smiling, reaching out to feel his beard.
She has definitely discovered children and other babies. We took her for a walk to the park on Shabbat afternoon, and she smiled at all the children she could find. She puts her arms out as if she wants to either hug them or be held by them. She'll have to settle for hugs, since we aren't about to let her be held by babies not much older than herself! Clearly it's time we started taking her out to play with her peers (or at least near them).
Meanwhile, the playpen is working now, so we have a place to put her when we absolutely have to step out of the room. It's a real problem, since within moments she can now cross the playmat, by both rolling and crawling, until she reaches the end and gets upset. At least she's no longer upset by the mere fact of being on her stomach! On the contrary, she's usually off like a flash!
We're clearly not going to get a moment's rest out of her from now on.
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