First Hannukah

HG loves listening and watching the family light Hannukah candles. She enjoys studying the candles, especially sitting in her highchair by the table with the hannukiot on it and "joining in" the festive family dinner.
One night this week Ima and HG lit candles early in the evening, and then Ima took HG to bed. Abba got home late and lit his own candles. As soon as HG heard Abba bentshing lecht she woke up and gave a little cry with a hurt expression on her face, something along the lines of why is he bentshing lecht without me?! Kind of the way she reacted to being left out of kiddush one week.

A few times now when the family lit Hannukah candles or made havdalah while she has been nursing, she has stopped eating, looked up, and waited for the brakhah to be over before resuming nursing. She seems to really enjoy brakhot and davening of all kinds.
HG has had a busy first Hannukah - parties, one wedding, a simhat bat and a one day conference on local history!
At first HG was riveted by the lectures on local history, an annual Hannukah event in the town of the Maccabees. In general she usually loves lectures. The problem was

She really has a ball on social occasions, she still loves to meet people and enjoys being held by family and friends, crawling on furniture, smiling at everyone and exploring new surroundings when she visits an unfamiliar place.

Thursday night of Hannukah the family attended a Hannukah party in the town of her birth and she glowed, watching the party games and even joining in. One game entailed trying to drop an (unlit) candle in an empty mineral water bottle. Those participating had their back to the bottle and a candle tied to their backs. HG was exploring and swiped the bottle just as her great uncle was finally getting the hang of things... Everyone was laughing so hard that no one got a picture.
The furniture at the friends' house was ideal for her, deep enough that she couldn't fall (with her Abba sitting in front of her of course), but with nice backs that she could practice lifting herself up on. She even managed to lift herself to a stand a couple of times.

Books and reading remain a big thrill for her. This Shabbat a family friend came to stay. At first she was a little wary of him, he is very tall and wears a big black hat. At shul though he sat with Abba and HG's great uncle and she became a bit less shy, becoming interested in his siddur and by Shabbat lunch they were friends, she kept looking across the table to him and smiling. When she bumped her cheek and gave a little cry, he showed her the page from the Tikkun he was practicing from and she smiled, fascinated, looking as though she was trying to read it. A few minutes later of course she also tried to taste it. Then she held out her arms indicating that she would like him to hold her afterall.
This evening this friend and her great uncle were looking at some old maps of the area. HG indicated that she'd like to be held, and joined them in studying the maps, staring at them intently, and reaching to feel them.border

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