What's new with us

Long time no blog! We've been busy, we've had colds, and last week our computer was in the shop. Lots of news; we'll have to focus on the main points.
Food: HG has started on solids. She's still mostly nursing, but we try to give her a bit of "real" food about once a day. She's been grabbing for our food for a couple of months already, so we finally relented. Last week we gave her some mashed banana. She loved it but ended up a bit constipated. This week we're trying her on pureed zucchini, which she's also enjoying greatly. She doesn't have room for more than a couple of tablespoons at a time.
Since the zucchini is runny, we have to spoonfeed her for the first time. The first time, she kept grabbing for the bowl of the spoon, but after a while she got the hang of it and now she takes the spoon by the handle and feeds herself.

Today, after having some zucchini (and liking it), she pushed the spoon away, looked at Ima and indicated that she wanted to nurse. She's never had to decide what to eat before!
Play: She enjoys playing with her big rubber ball. It's pink, about the size of a volleyball, and it has little "spikes" all over it which make it easy to grip. She laughs sometimes when we bounce it for her. Today for the first time, she played ball with us. Ima or Abba rolled the ball to her, and she rolled it back, several times in succession.
She's also just starting to throw things, especially when sitting in her high chair. For now, that means her blocks and toys, but it's presumably just a matter of time before she starts throwing food. Pleasures to look forward to.

Reading: Abba often reads her a bedtime story, usually Goodnight Moon. Tonight for a change he read her The Little Engine That Could. About two-thirds of the way through, she seemed to get fed up with it, and reached out to close the book. Abba insisted on continuing, but she got a bit kvetchy and kept trying to close the book. Then she reached forward for the stack of books, took Goodnight Moon and gave it to Abba. She seemed pleased to have it read to her. (Unfortunately, she wouldn't go to sleep afterwards.)

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