More Hannukah and solid food

HG became very interested in the Hannukah candles tonight. Not that she hasn't been interested the whole time, but tonight, with all eight candles aglow she seemed entranced and tried to reach out to them. Abba and Ima held her at a safe distance. She reached out and nibbled on a bentsher instead.
No, HG hasn't been tasting latkes and sufganiyot, or anything fried. The closest she has come to Hannukah food has been either through Ima's milk, or her taste of that quintessential latke condiment - applesauce. She lapped it up tonight. HG was visiting her great-aunt in Jerusalem for one more Hannukah get together. She kept reaching for all the yummy food her great-aunt had prepared so it was decided that she should try the homemade, wholesome apple sauce. It was a hit. This adds to HG's solid food repetoire of banana, cold courgette soup with garlic and onion, pureed cold plum soup and mushy sweet potato.
Hannukah has also been an opportunity to change HG's current toy selection. Each night she received a new toy and an old one was put away. She seems to be getting a little fed up of her old toys, so they are going away for a couple of months, to emerge fresh and different when she is a little older and will see them differently.

Ima sprained her ankle and HG has been puzzled as to why Ima isn't crawling on the floor with her as usual. On the other hand she has been enjoying the extra Abba and great uncle time. Today she became fascinated by Ima's leg, propped up on a reclining chair. She started playing with Ima's bandage, then noticed the footrest and used it to pull herself up to get closer to Ima, with a slightly concerned expression on her face, as though she wanted to help make Ima feel better.
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