Annapolis and other travels

HG is becoming a truly well travelled baby. Here she is with family taking a little cruise around Annapolis harbour. She has now been on planes, cars, buses and boats, and seems to take well to them all. Well, she'd like aeroplanes better if she could take her bed with her, but then wouldn't we all?!
The other night she noticed that Ima and Abba were packing suitcases yet again and she wandered off to another bedroom, found some packaged bed linens which sorts of resemble bags with nice neat handles, strung one over each arm and announced "bye bye" while exiting in the room in a business like manner and making for the stairs.
This is just one aspect of her increasingly creative and imaginitive play. Her dolls and stuffed toys now interact, usually affectionately, she holds two together and makes kissing sounds to show they are friends, or she hugs them together with a big smile. HG likes taking bottles and "feeding" dolls, or taking them for rides in her pushchair or "piggyback" on her shoulders (well, more like on one shoulder or on her head) the way she rides on Abba and Ima.