Life on the edge

As we prepare for HG's first Yom Tov, she has presented us with a new challenge. She has managed to reach the edge of her playmat. And she does it so quietly that we don't necessarily realize until she's already half on the floor, starting to cry.
We put her down on her back in the center of the mat to play with her toys. She deftly flips over onto her stomach and starts crawling on her stomach, slowly but steadily making her way to the edge, perhaps with some breaks on the way to rest or play. Before we know it, there she is, hands and head on the floor.
We can't leave her anywhere now and just let her play unsupervised. We just got her a portable playpen, but it seems to be defective and we'll have to exchange it. Oy!
Did we mention she was three months old yesterday?
Shana Tova to all,
Ima, Abba & Hannah Geitel
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